
Meeting: September 22, 2012

Catholic Writers of St. Louis
Saturday, September 22, 2012
St. Charles Coffee House/10:00 AM

Opening Prayer:
“The Writer’s Prayer”
“Open my mind, Lord. Grant me the talent to write with clarity and style, so my words go down rich and smooth, like fine wine, and leave my reader thirsty for more.
Open my heart, Lord. Grant me the sensitivity to understand my characters–their hopes, their wants, their dreams–and help me to confer that empathy to my reader.
Open my soul, Lord, so I may be a channel to wisdom and creativity from beyond my Self. Stoke my imagination with vivid imagery and vibrant perception.
But most of all, Lord, help me to know the Truth, so my fiction is more honest than actuality and reaches the depths of my reader’s soul.
Wrap these gifts with opportunity, perseverance, and the strength to resist those who insist it can’t be done. Amen.”
— Sandy Tritt (

Catholic Writers’ Guild News:
* Live Conference Wrap-Up
* Online Conference
* Seal of Approval

Dianna Graveman Courses/Workshops:
* Communicating Effectively Through Media: Blogs, Social Media, Press Releases, and More
* Freelance to Finance Your Writing Career
* Pave the Path to Your First Publication
* The Long and Short of Writing Memoir

November, National Novel Writing Month

Clarifying Ideas and Organizing your Writing:
* exploring different methods
* what are your methods?

Open Discussion/ Member Updates/ Thoughts for Future Meetings/ Etc.:
* plot (driven writing) vs. character (driven writing)
* writing at the Tabernacle
* a funny sheet of Shakespearean insults (thank you, Maria and Katie!)

Next Meeting:
* Saturday,  November 10, 2012/ St. Charles Coffee House/10:00 AM

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